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Discover our beauty tips for perfect skin whatever the season

Oily skin: what moisturizer should I choose for my face?
Adopting the right steps to care for oily skin isn't always easy! Prone to imperfections, oily skin needs to be gently cleansed and moisturized with specific creams to regulate excessive sebum production. Too rich a skincare product, too harsh a scrub, and the problem gets worse: skin reacts by becoming even shinier, and even oilier! Rest assured, it's possible to regain beautiful, clear, matte skin thanks to a targeted beauty routine. Follow our guide and we'll tell you how to choose the right moisturizing face cream to get rid of oily skin and its inconveniences!
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How to care for your skin after sunburn?
Exposure to the sun without sunscreen, or with insufficient protection, and the verdict is in: sunburn. Painful and unsightly, they are experienced as a real aggression by the epidermis, which finds its defenses undermined. So how do you take care of your skin and treat sunburn? Polaar shows you how!
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How to reduce dark circles under the eyes?
Dark circles are the main enemy of luminous eyes. Considered unsightly, dark circles are a recurring aesthetic problem for both men and women. Discover our advice on how to eliminate dark circles under the eyes.
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How to refine skin texture naturally?
Pimples, enlarged pores, blackheads, spots and shine are just some of the irregularities that can creep up on the face and plague your complexion. So how can you naturally refine your skin's texture and regain a more even complexion and more even radiance over time? Follow the guide!
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Do I need to wear sunscreen every day?
The sun may give you a pretty tan and a healthy glow, but prolonged unprotected exposure can cause sunburn and dry skin. Over the long term, it accelerates cell aging, resulting in wrinkles and fine lines that appear earlier and are more pronounced than on sun-protected skin. So, should you apply sun cream every day, or opt for year-round sun protection to preserve your skin to the full? We tell you all about it in this article!
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Can you tan with sunscreen?
Summer is here, and with it, for many of you, a vacation in the sun! At the pool or on the beach, you've probably already heard the refrain: "Oh me, I don't wear sunscreen because it prevents me from tanning". But is it true or false? Does sunscreen really prevent you from tanning?
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Facial imperfections 12 tips to get rid of them
Combination, oily or problem skin often finds it hard to get rid of acne, shine and blackheads in the long term. However, by adopting new beauty habits on a daily basis, you can easily reduce and erase these little skin blemishes. Here are 12 tips and tricks to help you fight blemishes and regain beautiful, healthy, clear skin.
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Oily skin in men: reflexes to adopt
While men's skin is naturally thicker and tends to age later than women's, it is also characteristically oilier... So how do you take care of it and tame shine and any imperfections? Here's a look at the best ways to care for men's skin at any age!
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Preparing your skin for sun exposure
If you're looking forward to your days in the fresh air and tanning sessions on the beach, you may also be wondering how to prepare your skin for exposure to the sun and take care of it to get through the summer without sunburn, solar allergies, brown spots, dry skin and other joys!
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