
Choosing and applying the right eye contour care

The eye contour area is certainly one of the most easily marked parts of the face. Dark circles, puffiness, wrinkles and fine lines are often the prerogative of this fine, fragile area, which needs specific products to preserve all its beauty. A poorly moisturized or congested eye contour, and the sentence falls: you look tired, you don't look good, your face is dull... The exact opposite of what we want! Taking care of your eyes is essential, because they're the first thing people notice and remember. So how do you moisturize your eye area to keep your eyes bright and sparkling? Discover our tips.

The delicate eye contour area

Did you know that the eye contour area is extremely delicate? It's about 4 to 5 times thinner than the rest of the face, and therefore all the more fragile. It's also a highly solicited area: every ten seconds, the majority of its 22 muscles contract to blink, reaching an average of 15,000 blinks every day! Add to this the skin that wrinkles with every facial expression, reflecting your emotions, and all the conditions are in place for skin that marks and wrinkles before its time if you don't adopt a targeted beauty routine!

It's not easy to keep your eye area smooth and well-moisturized, especially as nature seems to be working against you: this area is low in collagen and elastin - both responsible for the skin's suppleness and firmness.

It is also virtually devoid of sebaceous glands, which secrete sebum. Sebum is the fatty substance naturally present on the skin's surface to protect it. It is one of the components of the hydrolipidic film, which forms a veritable barrier against skin aggression all over the body. As it is extremely thin around the eyes, it doesn't protect the epidermis as effectively as it does on the rest of the body and face.

When wind, cold, UV rays, excessive heating or pollution attack your skin, the eye contour area is on the front line!

The problems encountered around the eyes can be manifold:

  • Dark circles, due to poor blood circulation. Bluish or brown marks settle on the lower eyelid, giving you a tired look. The key? Boost microcirculation and replenish the skin's water content to restore luminous eyes!
  • Unattractive, bags under the eyes and puffy eyelids can have several origins: allergies, stress, fatigue, lymphatic drainage dysfunction, slowed microcirculation...The key is to opt for fresh products that decongest in a single gesture and tone tissues.
  • Finally, fine lines and wrinkles, which often appear first in this area, such as the famous crow's feet wrinkle. This wrinkle, which fans out from the corner of the eye towards the temple, becomes more pronounced with every facial expression: smile, frown...This part of the face reflects our emotions and the passage of time, and tends to become a little more marked every day.

To limit the appearance of these folds and maintain a youthful look and smooth skin, we opt for highly nourishing skin care products, which will plump up this fragile area prone to dehydration.

It's also very important to use a "special eye contour" skin care product to achieve good results, as the needs of the epidermis are specific to this area. Many women are convinced that simply moisturizing the eye area with their usual face cream will prevent the appearance of dark circles, puffiness and wrinkles. But this is not true! This fine, fragile part of the face requires dedicated care and appropriate gestures to preserve a luminous, rested look in all circumstances.

Which eye contour care is right for you?

Ideally, you want a skin care product that refreshes, decongests, moisturizes and illuminates in a single step. Look no further than our Icy Magic Roll-On, specially formulated to care for the eye contour area, which does it all! Perfect for restoring luminosity, tone and vitality to all tired eyes, it contains several highly interesting active ingredients for caring for this area of the face.

We've added Siberian Ginseng : this adaptogenic plant is capable of withstanding the most extreme conditions, as it grows in the hostile landscapes of the tundra. Highly concentrated in micronutrients, flavonoids and antioxidants, Siberian Ginseng is capable of restoring vitality and tone to the skin in a single step.

For even greater effectiveness, we've added anti-dark circles and anti-puffiness tetrapeptides to promote skin elasticity. But that's not all! We've added our CilBooster active ingredient, which boosts eyelash growth to give you the look of a doe!

Our ICY MAGIC Roll-On tackles all eye contour problems, and is suitable for everyone, men and women, whatever your age or skin type. The icing on the cake: it's vegan and 100% Made in France!

How to apply eye contour care?

Systematically moisturizing the eye contour area is a beauty ritual that must be incorporated into your face routine routine, morning and night. And applying it with the right gestures can increase the effectiveness of your skincare routine!

Rule no. 1? Apply the right amount of product. There's no need to apply large quantities, as this won't make your skincare product any more effective. On the contrary, too much product could lead to congestion or flakiness, which is not exactly the desired effect! The equivalent of a grain of rice is enough to moisturize and nourish. With the Icy Magic Roll-On, no problem: its metal ball delivers just the right amount of product in a single stroke!

Apply from the inner to the outer corner of the eye: the roll-on massages in gently and refreshingly to activate blood circulation. Its gel texture penetrates quickly, without stickiness! You can complete its absorption by lightly tapping the upper and lower eyelids with your fingertips, to energize the epidermis. This gesture will also deposit all the benefits of the formula on your lashes, to boost their growth and length.

The Icy Magic Roll-On's practical, hygienic format makes it a nomadic skincare product, easy to carry and always at hand for a soothing, fresh effect, wherever you are.

Think of our skincare sets to complete your face routine : the Icy Magic Roll On is also available as a trio with our Polar Night Cream, which regenerates the skin while you sleep, and with the Eye Defatigant Patch, perfect for revitalizing the eye contour and giving you a fresh, rested look in fifteen minutes. Remember the name of this gift set: Incroyable Icy Magic !

The eye contour area deserves special attention and intense moisturizing, so it doesn't show the signs of passing time and life's little annoyances. Now you know how to choose and apply the right eye contour care, and we're ready to bet your friends and family will envy you the radiance and luminosity of your eyes!