Polaar Sun

Discover our POLAAR SUN sun care products for face and body, to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays and tan in complete safety!


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How to choose the right sunscreen for your face?

Summer means vacation, beach, sun and sun protection! A skincare product that's not always easy to choose from all the products on the market. So how do you choose the right sun cream to protect your face and get a beautiful, natural, long-lasting tan? Polaar tells you all!

Can you tan with sunscreen?

Summer is here, and with it, for many of you, a vacation in the sun! At the pool or on the beach, you've probably already heard the refrain: "Oh me, I don't wear sunscreen because it prevents me from tanning". But is it true or false? Does sunscreen really prevent you from tanning?

Do I need to wear sunscreen every day?

The sun may give you a pretty tan and a healthy glow, but prolonged unprotected exposure can cause sunburn and dry skin. Over the long term, it accelerates cell aging, resulting in wrinkles and fine lines that appear earlier and are more pronounced than on sun-protected skin. So, should you apply sun cream every day, or opt for year-round sun protection to preserve your skin to the full? We tell you all about it in this article!