
Give your skin extreme protection to enjoy the benefits of the sun, while protecting it from blemishes and ageing. It's great to be out in the sun! But don't be fooled into thinking you don't need sunscreen to protect your skin from UV rays. Discover our range of sunscreen fluids and creams to make the most of sunny days in complete safety.


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How to care for your skin after sunburn?

Exposure to the sun without sunscreen, or with insufficient protection, and the verdict is in: sunburn. Painful and unsightly, they are experienced as a real aggression by the epidermis, which finds its defenses undermined. So how do you take care of your skin and treat sunburn? Polaar shows you how!

First sun: how to protect yourself

The first fine days of spring have arrived, and we're all delighted! After months spent in the cold and gloom, we're all keen to spend more time outdoors, to take advantage of the lengthening days and the sun's rays to fill up on vitamin D! But be careful not to overdo the sun exposure: even in spring, the skin remains vulnerable to UV radiation. Here are a few tips to help you enjoy the benefits of the sun while protecting your skin effectively.