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Discover our beauty tips for perfect skin whatever the season

Which face routine to avoid imperfections?
We'll show you how to adapt your beauty and skincare routine to keep your skin clear and healthy, even when you're wearing a mask all the time!
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Understanding pimples on the face
Pimples have invaded a specific part of your face (cheeks, chin, forehead...), and you have no idea what might have caused them to appear? Face mapping can help you understand the causes of these acne outbreaks! We'll explain everything.
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Acne and sun: how to prevent the rebound effect at the start of the school year?
After the vacations, it's not unusual for acne to reappear and invade the face. We explain how to prevent and treat this rebound effect to keep your skin smooth and clear.
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How to avoid facial imperfections after a vacation in the sun?
You've had a great vacation in the sun, but when you get home the news is bad: your skin is starting to look blemished. What if the sun is responsible for your skin's condition? Follow our advice to maintain a radiant complexion and clear skin after your vacations.
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Facial imperfections 12 tips to get rid of them
Combination, oily or problem skin often finds it hard to get rid of acne, shine and blackheads in the long term. However, by adopting new beauty habits on a daily basis, you can easily reduce and erase these little skin blemishes. Here are 12 tips and tricks to help you fight blemishes and regain beautiful, healthy, clear skin.
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Why do I have acne on my chin?
Acne sometimes makes an appearance on certain areas of the face! Far from being the prerogative of adolescent skin, pimples frequently appear in adulthood, particularly on women. While they can invade the cheeks or the whole face, their preferred location is often the chin and jawline.
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Acne on your cheeks: causes and solutions
Let's face it: acne isn't just for teenagers! Many adults experience it, sometimes repeatedly, throughout their lives. While it often invades the whole face, and sometimes even the shoulders and décolleté, acne can also be highly localized, affecting only certain areas, such as the forehead, chin... or cheeks. And we agree, acne on the cheeks is hardly aesthetic and can be a source of complexes. You'll see that, with the right gestures and reflexes, it's possible to eliminate it completely and permanently, for clear, healthy skin in all circumstances.
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Northern Light: The Anti-Imperfection Solution

Our range Eclat Boréala popular choice with skin lacking radiancefor those who want to regain the luminosity and pep they lack in a single gesture, is enriched with a magical new product: the Anti-Imperfection Solution. A treatment formulated to improve regulate sebum production, reduce skin inflammation and say no to pimples and scars which can sometimes invade the face.

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Oily, acne-prone skin: which sun cream should I choose?

When we think of sun creams, we often think of those white, greasy, sticky textures that leave a shiny film on the skin. Oily, acne-prone skin suffering from excess sebum can be tempted to skip sunscreens to avoid aggravating the problem - which is never a good idea! Today, we explain how to choose the right anti-UV skin care product to spend the summer with beautiful, protected, matte skin.

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